You are most welcome to our new North European Zone CrossKart Championship web page. This is your new home where the fast and young drivers meet and compeat!!! Place where our future champions are born!!!
Your can be proud to join the crosskart family of 7 Nations, over 300 crosskart drivers in NEZ zone, 190 drivers in NEZ Crosskart Championship 2019!!!
In this page you will find everything that you need. You can register you start Nr. for season 2020, you are most welcome to register also for all NEZ Crosscart Championship races, you will be able to see all news from races, you can find all the documents that you will need to get ready for racing, you can also put listing in shop of your crosscart, and also you can see all the races that will happen in 2020 season, all over North European Zone.
Here is a calendar for NEZ Crosscart races: