Greetings to all drivers!
Due to COVID-19 circumstances we have to announce sad news the cancelation of our first championship event in Latvia.
So far, we have not announced the cancellation of the first round of the NEZ Crosskart championship, because there was hope to organize this race on 9th of May. Unfortunately, we can no longer wait for the decision of the responsible government institutions, because there is too little time left to organize a full-fledged race, as well as to notify foreign athletes in time. We are forced to cancel the planned event.
However, we would like to inform you that on May 9 the track is reserved and plans to organize a training day so that in any case it would be possible to be on the track and prepare for the season.
See you all in NEZ Crosskart Championship event in Oulu, Finland (17-18 July).
We look forward to your understanding!
Your NEZ Crosskart Commission